Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Some days I choose to wear a wig, others a hat or a scarf. This particular day I decided I just wanted to go "bald a la mode", as I like to call it. I had an appointment to go into town and needed to take the regional rail trains. I usually take this train on a daily basis and decided to go to this coffee shop I frequent for a cup of coffee and sandwich. Everyone that worked there said "Hello" without flinching an eyelash and I sat down to enjoy my meal. I noticed these two teen aged boys looking at me in shock. One of the boys, nudged the other and said something funny and pointed at me. The other boy seemed embarrassed that his friend did this, but decided he would go along with his buddy and laughed out loud at the bald lady. I looked up at both boys and smiled at them while staring at them. I smiled as if I heard exactly what the joke was. I stared at the one boy who made the joke directly into the eyes for a long time. After a while, he looked down to the floor and stopped laughing. I guess although he made the joke, he didn't get the joke anymore. What's more, he was stunned that I got the joke and he didn't.