Contrary to some, there really are some advantages to being bald. I happened to be clearing out a closet that had lots of boxes. I came across an unmarked heavy box and opened it. Inside were hair care products which included, styling gels, mousse, hair rollers, combs, brushes, hair spray, oil spray, creams, and the list is just to long to mention. I froze for just a moment and thought, "Wow, I don't use this stuff anymore.". It was one of those moments that I have occasionally where I really miss my hair...and that's all it was...a moment. I quickly moved the box out of the way and thought, "I'll give it to my sister or something.". Then I took the box and put it out for trash. It didn't bother me in the least. Had this happened about six months ago, I probably would have broken down and cried. I didn't get upset at all. "So What?", you say?...you see that was a very monumental moment for me. It was the moment that I realized that I have gained acceptance in what I look like as a bald woman. And another thing, I spent so much money on that junk anyway...now I can turn on QVC and order that new ring I've been wanting.