I've been thinking about why I want to share my journey of "a day in the life of an alopecian" and realized that my journey isn't just about being an alopecian, however, it has definitely had a huge impact on my recent state of mind. It's what has sparked a huge fire within me that continues to grow into this enormous forest fire that has become much bigger than myself, who is me. I want to share my journey because I have this huge desire to help someone through my journey. And if this is my ultimate goal, I need to be honest about the stages of my journey which includes both good and bad experiences....so with that being said, I am rolling out the "red carpet", the "real deal", in hopes that my story will somehow reach someone who needs to know my story.
Let me start by re-introducing myself.
"My name is Modolly and I am living joyously as a bald woman. My alter-ego is" Crowned Regal the Alopecian." I am an intelligent, compassionate, expressive, creative and loving person. Throughout my life, I have kicked down a few mountains with ten more to go, no doubt, either way I will forge on. Recently, I underwent three very profound life altering experiences, all of which left me to explore many things inside of me that I knew had always been there and was always afraid to unveil. That fear has disappeared and those very things I had kept inside are now flowing freely and ready to share with anyone willing to listen. Those very things, good and bad have now become monumental blessings in which my arms are wide open and ready to receive in abundance! I underwent gastric bypass/open RNY surgery, I now have alopecia and have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. I need to share my journey. I need to share my journey to let it be known that through adversities there can be an emergence of some very beautiful and wonderful things. And the most wonderful of blessings is that you can overcome those adversities and can successfully live the most extraordinary, yet wonderfully normal life. If you landed on my blog, whether it be intentional or by happenstance, I want to "Thank You".
One of my favorite quotes is: " Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense. "(a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson). I found this quote hanging on a wall of an administrative assistant's office as I was being discharged from a hospital.