Shaving my head feels really good. It's kinda therapeutic, you know?...yes occasionally, I do get these pesky little stubbies that struggle to grow through the tough scars deep in the hair follicles. I don't like the way they look, so much, so that after a smooth shave, I rub every inch of my scalp just to make sure I don't feel any,...even though they are not visible. Its kind of a mental battle I have with them. Guess, I have some deeply hidden control issues as a result of the hair loss. When I was done shaving today, I thought how obsessed I've become with making sure that not one piece of stub is showing on my smooth crown...but then I thought when I had a lot of hair and was beginning to loose it...strand by strand...I obsessed then in doing everything possible to keep my hair, regrow it, replace it, medicate it, etc. It's like things are in reverse gear..., yet I am in "drive."...driving forward that is....