Love her with every thread of your being. Love her with every emotion that is intertwined within every thread of your makeup. Love her from the heart. Love her from your mind, your body, your soul. Love her spiritually. For not doing these things encumber the armour she will need to protect her from the unwanted forces of the universe. Although she is strong and on most days she is perfectly capable of doing this herself, she has days where she falls short in doing this. Do not allow yourself to erase her image, for many people have tried to do this. She needs you to help preserve the beautiful things she possesses internally because the images in magazines, commercials and other forms of media can sometimes be successful at breaking down those very things causing a infestation of low self esteem, anger and other negative feelings that will gradually wash away all the good things about her.
See what others won't see. See how beautiful her face looks; everything from her beautiful eyes to the sleek clean lines of her soft and regal crown...OH, and did you notice her profile? So sovereign and self assuring. Have you seen her dance? How the lines from the shape of her head flows in tune with the lines from the shape of her body when she dances? Wouldn't you just love to dance with her?...But only if you can keep up.
Her mouth and nose so poignant...everything you love about her stands out, more magnified, more intense, more....and doesn't her skin look nice?
When you kiss her, kiss and hold her head too. She'll like that. Tell her from time to time that you appreciate her courage in being unique in her style and grace. Let her know that you don't mind being with her without her hair in the open for all to see. Hold her hand in public. Show everyone that although she looks different than most, there's got to be something about her that you just can't live without. Make her admirers envious of you and all the while guessing what secrets lie beneath her exterior; you know...that thing that keeps you grounded in your relationship with her. Instead of "Honey your hair looks nice tonight." tell her, "Honey your skin is so soft and glowing tonight.".
She can hold her own amidst the sea of beauties you encounter everyday. At times she rises above them. Don't you know why that is? It's because of beauty she exudes from within. She doesn't have a frame like all the pictures on the wall in an art gallery so she has to display her art that much more.
How lucky do you feel today? Love an alopecian woman....for she is prize buried beneath all the other bevel of beauties. Why didn't you notice her before?
See what others won't see. See how beautiful her face looks; everything from her beautiful eyes to the sleek clean lines of her soft and regal crown...OH, and did you notice her profile? So sovereign and self assuring. Have you seen her dance? How the lines from the shape of her head flows in tune with the lines from the shape of her body when she dances? Wouldn't you just love to dance with her?...But only if you can keep up.
Her mouth and nose so poignant...everything you love about her stands out, more magnified, more intense, more....and doesn't her skin look nice?
When you kiss her, kiss and hold her head too. She'll like that. Tell her from time to time that you appreciate her courage in being unique in her style and grace. Let her know that you don't mind being with her without her hair in the open for all to see. Hold her hand in public. Show everyone that although she looks different than most, there's got to be something about her that you just can't live without. Make her admirers envious of you and all the while guessing what secrets lie beneath her exterior; you know...that thing that keeps you grounded in your relationship with her. Instead of "Honey your hair looks nice tonight." tell her, "Honey your skin is so soft and glowing tonight.".
She can hold her own amidst the sea of beauties you encounter everyday. At times she rises above them. Don't you know why that is? It's because of beauty she exudes from within. She doesn't have a frame like all the pictures on the wall in an art gallery so she has to display her art that much more.
How lucky do you feel today? Love an alopecian woman....for she is prize buried beneath all the other bevel of beauties. Why didn't you notice her before?