I know what you are thinking. I know that when you walk into a room you think that everyone is staring at you. I know that when you took your shower today, you shut your eyes and thought about your hair floating down the drain. I know that when you were in the market the other day that you saw the lady in the next aisle staring at you. I know you are afraid of meeting someone that you could possibly have a relationship with. I know that you are afraid of revealing yourself to someone intimately. I know that you don't know that there is hope for you. I know that you wore your wig today, your hat yesterday and tomorrow you are thinking about going out without anything on your head. I know that when you wore your head wrap last week that you thought people could see your head even though it was completely covered. I know that you couldn't find anything in your closet you thought would look good on you, when you were getting ready to go out. I know that you are obsessed with your hair loss. I know it seems to consume your every thought. I know that you looked at the lady or man on the street and felt jealous or envious that they had hair and you didn't. I know that your family and friends are tired of hearing you talk about your hair or lack there of. I know you keep worrying about your fake hair falling off. I know you don't feel comfortable covering up your secret. I know your head feels too cold sometimes or too hot sometimes. I know that you still haven't come to grips with the fact that your hair does not define the person inside of you. I know that you wish people could stop looking at your head and look in your eyes, your mind and your heart instead. I know that you don't know how to reach out to others who look like you and feel the same feelings that you feel. I know that you feel that your family really doesn't understand your feelings about your hair. I know that you get angry when people tell you to just be thankful for what you have and to just "snap out of it" and "suck it up". I know that people keep telling you that you should be thankful that you are not suffering from something much worse. I know that you don't know enough about this disease or even know how to do the research to find out about it. I know that you wonder if people are taking you seriously at your place of work or school. I know that you feel hurt. I know that the flood gates of your tears are about to burst wide open when someone so much as makes eye contact with you. I know that you have been having private pity parties when no one is around. I know that you don't want people to feel sorry for you. I know that you think you are the only one in the world that is going through this. I know that you think that no one will ever date or marry someone who is lacking hair. I know that you just don't know that all these negative feelings you are having is perfectly normal for someone who has lost something that most people feel defines your beauty.
I know that you are wondering how I know all these things about you.
I know these things about you because I am you.
Your hair does not define all of the beauty you possess inside of you. If you don't truly believe that statement than how can you expect others to do the same?