Saturday, January 5, 2008


I woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat because of a dream; or nightmare depending on how you view it. It was one of those metaphoric dreams. You know, like when you are dreaming about having something you wish you had and it takes the form of something else? wishing you had more money, only in the dream you're doing something ridiculous like drowning in a sea of purses.

Anyway, I was dreaming about having a conversation with someone who was sitting across from me. I didn't really know who the person was yet, I felt comfortable talking to this person. I couldn't make out facial features or anything. I was making some sort of gestures with my hands and realized that my long flowing hair got in the way of my movements and I felt myself getting really happy that I had my own natural hair. I continued my conversation with this mysterious person and then realized that the hair started getting in the way and began to annoy me. So I began ripping the hair off...not in a violent manner, just gently pulling out sections. I did this very nonchalantly and it was painless. I could see the hair falling to the floor and began to realize that I had made a mistake in pulling it out. Regretted having done this, I began to panic and felt my body thrashing underneath my blanket. I woke up to a cold and chilling sweat and laid there motionless and thinking, "What was that all about?". I realized that I had been dreaming in metaphors again and began to question what was taking the form of what in the dream.

Well, after not much deciphering, I realized the person I was having a conversation with was my husband, who incidentally is bald also. A recent conversation I had with my husband was about how animated I can be with my hands when I am talking to him. Also, knowing myself, I had to be really comfortable with this person for me to just nonchalantly rip my hair out in front of them. My feelings of regret were symbolic of missing my natural hair. What about the feelings of panic, thrashing under the blanket and sweating? Well, the jury is still out of the court room deliberating on that one...that could have been me having one of my "personal summer" episodes...that's menopause for you younger folks. (He,He)...

What does all this have to do with "BALD LOVE"?, you say?'s like this, I never thought that in a million years that the guy I met back in 1977...,the one with the really huge afro,... and that girl he met, with the perfectly permed and feather cut, Farrah Facet hair...would grow bald together rather than gray together. With all the things we have been through during our long and winding union together, how special do I have it that, I have him to look across to, after going through a life altering experience such becoming an "alopecian". I lost my hair, he lost his hair, we both look so different than what we looked like in 1977, yet when we look at each other... we still see the same people. Guess that's the same thing people do when they grow old and wrinkly together.