SCREEN NAME: beautyinsideandout
I'm a compassionate and loving person.
I am spiritually grounded and sensitive to other people's needs.
I enjoy sports, especially football and like the outdoors.
In the past, I have handled adversity well.
I don't require much to be happy, I want someone to love and respect me, care about me, someone respectable and appreciates the basic necessities of life.
Meeting people is something I enjoy.
Everyone has something important to say.
Give me a topic of conversation and I'll find something interesting to say about it. If you can't come up with a good topic, I'll find one that is interesting to both of us.
I'm a great listener.
I've made some huge mistakes in my life but have learned from them and moved on to better things.
I am an honest and supportive person.
Computer forensics, graphics, website design and building computers is one of my favorite pastimes.
I love tech stuff like iPods, Smart phones, podcasting, blogging, YouTubing, Googling, forum surfing and social networking .
I'm a loyal friend.
People usually confide in me to help with things they may not share with those closest to them.
Give me a fully stocked kitchen and watch me work some magic on your favorite dish.
I've always been a creative person.
I can dance my butt off.
I love music, period!
I love to have fun and feel happiest knowing and encouraging those around me to have just as much fun as I am.
I like quiet moments at home and believe you don't have to spend a lot of money to enjoy the good company of someone.
I'm a a responsible financial planner and great at managing my household.
I don't mind compromising in a relationship as long as neither partner has to compromise who they are.
I love to dress, sometimes classic, sometimes, professional, sometimes runway stylish, sometimes funky, sometimes unique but always stylish and tasteful.
I've been told that I am a very attractive woman. My legs are my best feature and I have been told that shoe designers had me in mind when making those great pair of high heeled pumps you see on the catwalk and runways.
I'm intelligent and have been successful in my career.
I have a great work ethic.
I love to snuggle and hug and make my partner feel important. I love to sneak away for spontaneously romantic moments. It's one of the things I do best.
I am open to my partner's ideas, suggestions and am willing to be flexible and try new things. I believe that in a partnership each person can contribute their own unique, positive and strongest of qualities.
I love to decorate a room.
I appreciate other's artistic abilities.
I love jewelry and accessories.
I like to smell good.
I absolutely love children.
I'm an aspiring writer.
I'm confident and positive in my thinking.
I have alopecia and I am completely bald.