Alopecia World is a new and exciting social network for those who have alopecia and their loved ones...or maybe you just want to stop by and see all those BEAUTIFUL bald people all in one place. The network is rich in content which includes the most up-to-date features found on a social networks today. Some of the many features include the ability to set up your own space (or web page), chat room, forums, groups, photo and video gallery. Let's not forget the best feature of all...a place to find and connect with fellow alopecians all over the world. This type of social network is the first of its kind and is quickly becoming the #1 place for alopecians and their loved ones. You will find men, women, children and their parents (includes support for parents of children with alopecia).
This unique and well put together social network was founded by Cheryl Carvery and her fiance Richard Jones. It's clear to see the passion, hard work and dedication that has gone into this project in the short time since its launch on March 8th, 2008. Membership is free provides an easy to use customizable look for its members. Visit Alopecia World at www.alopeciaworld.com.
I'm a proud member of Alopecia World. I have a feeling that we alopecians will be saying someday, "What did we all do before Alopecia World!". Kudos to its founders as well as its members!