The answer is yes. Lightning definiately did strike twice for me regarding my alopecia diagnosis. You see, I was diagnosed with two different types of alopecia. I have Cicatricial Centrifugal Alopecia and Alopecia Totalis. What???...yeah, that was my reaction too. When diagnosed, I asked, "Wait one minute, you can have more that one type? the same time?" I didn't even know that there was more than one type. Well, not only is there more than one type; there are a couple of different catagories and under each catagory there are several types of alopecia.
Well, as my sister always says, "You can never do anything on the DL (the down low)." She's right. My diagnosis falls under two different catagories with two different types. Here's the deal, I have both scarring and non scarring alopecia. The Cicatricial Centrifugal Alopecia is of the scarring type while the Alopecia Totalis is of the non-scarring type. Alopecia Cicatricial (scarring) alopecia refers to a group of rare disorders which destroy the hair follicle and replace it with scar tissue, thereby causing permanent hair loss. Complete scalp hair loss is alopecia totalis (non-scarring type). Lucky Me!
I had the wonderful opportunity to meet some beautiful ladies who have alopecia over the weekend. They were all stuggling with lots of the same feelings and experiences as me. I was so inspired by each and every one of them. So not only does lightning strike twice in the same place, it can strike more than once at the same time and all over the world. It was so comforting to know that someone else out there looks and feels just like me. Like I said, "Lucky Me!".
To read more about alopecia visit